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Cinema 4D - Refine Your Animation

Once you are comfortable you create simple animation, introduce yourself to the tools that will help you improve your animation. A senior aide to chart a path for your object to follow. Try to use the key. Usually think about something, aircraft, birds, and mythical monster, flying over the earth. In animation we have that there is a great opportunity that the campaign of arrests and evolution rather than flying directly across like an airplane.

Equivalent to your slide to represent this with some curvature might consider covering the area like the Scouts or a falcon may not cover a specific area before moving on. Once defined your path, choose the private aviation object and then choose the menu 'aligned to the key' and you will see a symbol next to the slide of your object. In the Properties tab below, and the development path of the slide, which was established recently in the 'key path' box. Along the line your time, and a keyframe at the beginning of a segment on 'Tag' properties for 0% position. Animation at the end of your (or wherever you want your 'journey' to complete), set the position to 100%, and enter into a keyframe again. The plot of the progress on the road to slide against the time of your movie.

Now in some cases, the object's orientation can become the opposite, depending on the interpretation of Cinema4D in this key for the other objects on the scene. There are many ways to design around this. Once you align the path of one object to another, you can not rotate it away ... Because it is aligned to the new path. You can create an empty object, 'Original' Monster private aviation, and then rotate the original.

The simplest, if the approach is a little odd to redraw the path of the slide back. Start in the face and back to the beginning of your. Set keyframes your progress to travel from end to start. If not reversed, and the 'reverse' will be the correct design and correct your direction.

With the private aviation and object-oriented to the path of your key, you can copy a slide to create a layer with the adjustment of your trip. I would like that the image of the ship rolling, with steep and oblique bars, referred to that option actually a sign that 'the railway track. With the directory path of the second lift and you can expand and increase the distance between the tracks and two special corner as you see any moving object against gravity banking. We see this when flying planes, and we see this in the design of the race track.

The path and guide the second, 'railway' in place, you can tilt the slighly aviation faces as it travels. You see the control buttons a little red tray next to the play period of time. The first allows you to manually set the keyframe. And becomes the second 'keyframing Automatic' and this option will record every change you make. Want to be careful because it will record every change, but it comes in handy, especially in such a situation where you can make minor adjustments along the way, and every one of them recorded on your schedule.

These additional tools to help you refine your animation to give more freedom to your imagination, the tool most of all!

The Animation Master Hates iPad

At present, it seeks to play wherever you go is very popular. Many young people are eager to get the requests of the company. But Hayao Miyazaki, it seeks not only, but the garbage. Mr. and Japanese animation Hayao Miyazaki some bitter remarks about the company's request, resulting in a heated debate.

First of all, you must know what kind of person is Hayao Miyazaki. Named Akira Kurosawa, as in the animation world. He has a very important that no one can replace in the animation industry. Working group's popularity, such as those produced by Disney and DreamWorks. Although the subject of each animation is different, which includes all threads started by a dream and protect the environment, life and survival. Dedication does not make the world's respect for him and all his works, but it also makes the king of animation Disney World to compete for the rights of copyright in the market for distribution sites Nations. This is a great success for the Japanese cartoonist weak.

Therefore, Hayao Miyazaki is Miyazaki. I think you know it is now. Ask what the company around? Nevertheless, I think most people know it, I am willing to provide it for you again. Is released first on the 27.2010 by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple. And requests the company positioned between the iPhone and Apple laptop personal items. As the same as the iPhone 'planning, there are only four buttons in the body. It's simple but powerful. You can use the company's request to browse the Internet, send and receive e-mail, and view e-books, audio or video playing. This was a smart machine hot issues in the digital market.

I talked a lot, and it seems from this point. Let me get down to work. What I want to say is that the great master of animation Hayao Miyazaki hates the request of the company.

Hayao Miyazaki made in the interview if I had a paper and pencil in the Journal of hot air, and important observation about the peak hot YIT. Hot air Hayao Miyazaki own animation production company Studio Ghibli 'monthly magazine for free. He says he has no interest in the device and the scenes that he hates people play YIT in the streets or in the subway. There are a lot of men rushing out to buy the first production series, as in the 1960s, everyone holding a cassette tape collection to show off. He was mocking the requests the new company.

When he told reporters of the people can get the information they want with the help of requests the company wherever they go, Hayao Miyazaki, he replied: "The things that everyone can easily get to no value, but things that you can by yourself can be helpful. So, the master is master, and also indicates that people must work hard instead of relying on modern machine. Finally, they recommend strong: "People should try to become a producer, not a consumer."

Different people have different views on the statements of Miyazaki. Some people think he should not be an insult to the users requests that the company did not use the device. But some men are more what I think is the right of the talks. We should have more power to the creativity and innovation. I do not ask the company, and I totally agree with the idea of a second.